Using the Sun2000/1000 GTIL2 on split phase power can be tricky. The manufacturer ships a single CT and pretty much requires the phases to be balanced in order for it to work properly, but having balanced loads between the 2 split phases are rarely the case as our electricity demands are unpredictable. The manual has a silly recommendation of only measuring 240V loads and no 120V loads or for 120 V loads, you should measure the phase with the highest 120 V loads (who can predict which phase that would be and who can keep track of which phase belongs to which 120 V outlet to guarantee the higher load). This recommendation is not only impractical, but can significantly under produce as well. With the Split CT, you not only limit your export but also maximize on the production limit you set to within 50 watts of your actual total usage giving you a good rate of return on your purchase.
We have a simple solution with our Split CT kit. No need to ever calibrate, adjust or modify anything. We provide a Y cable adapter so you can just plug in our Split CT (engineered for the GTIL2) along with the original shipped CT to save money.
Installation can not be any easier and no need to have balanced phases ever. It will work under all circumstances and will not allow the Sun2000/1000 to export more than 50W to the grid. We guarantee it.
Please note that currently the LCD screen can inaccurately display the load values for split phase power especially if you have some 120 loads (as mentioned in their manual) because it assumes the loads are phase balanced or that you are measuring the phase with the higher 120V loads since only 1 CT is used.
- Comes with a 10 ft cable which is the same length as the original one.
- Size of CT has a 16 mm hole and rated at 100A which is the same as the latest white shipped one (not the smaller blue 13mm one). However, it will work with the smaller blue one.
- Compatible with SUN-1000G2-M, SUN-1000G2-H, SUN-2000G2-H, SUN-2000G2-T
- 1 year warranty with money back guarantee if it does not limit export to under 50 W for split phase system
- Free shipping in the US
- Worldwide shipping